Electronic Transfer Team

Adult Industry Payment Processing: What You Need to Know

Adult Industry Payment Processing: What You Need to Know Adult Industry Payment Processing What You Need to Know

The adult industry is huge and diverse. We’re talking about everything from adult content creators and cam sites to toy retailers and dating apps. However, when it comes to processing payments, these businesses face some challenges.  If you’re part of this sector or thinking about joining it, you should know about high-risk payment processing for […]

Navigating Payment Processing for Nutraceuticals: Challenges and Solutions

Navigating Payment Processing for Nutraceuticals: Challenges and Solutions Navigating Payment Processing for Nutraceuticals Challenges and Solutions

Picture this: You’re excited to start an online business selling health supplements, only to hit a roadblock – many payment processors won’t work with you. They’ve labeled your business as “high risk,” making you feel like you’ve done something wrong or illegal.  This is common in the nutraceutical industry. But what are nutraceuticals? And why […]

Payment Processing Solutions for Pawn Shops: What to Consider

Payment Processing Solutions for Pawn Shops: What to Consider Payment Processing Solutions for Pawn Shops What to Consider

Pawn shops have been around for centuries, offering a unique service to people who need quick cash. These businesses buy items, offer loans using items as collateral, and sell a wide range of goods. However, in today’s tech-dependent world, cash is quickly becoming outdated, and pawn shops need to keep up with modern payment methods.  […]