Integrate eProcessing Network with Checkout | Step-by-Step Guide

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Integrate EProcessing Network With

Getting Your Credentials

After being approved for an Eprocessing Network account, you will receive an email with your account number and API restrict key, which you’ll need in order to integrate with

If you don’t have that handy, log into Eprocessing network and select ‘Web Services’ from the left hand menu.

  1. Select ‘Processing Controls’
  2. Your restrict key will be shown in the ‘Emulator’ section. Copy this.
Integrate With
  1. Access your account and select ‘Toolbox’ from the upper right hand menu.
  2. Select ‘Checkout Setup’.
  3. Select the ‘Edit’ button next to ‘Payment Gateway’.
  4. Select your payment gateway, in this case we’re using EProcessing Network.
  5. Enter your account ID number under ‘Eprocessing Network Account Number’.
  6. Confirm your number again under ‘Confirm Eprocessing Network Account Number’.
  7. Enter your API restrict key under ‘Eprocessing Network Restrict Key’.
  8. Confirm your API restrict key under ‘Confirm Eprocessing Network Restrict Key’.
  9. Under ‘Cash Discount Percentage’, you can enter any value you want, we usually recommend 3%.
  10. Select ‘Save All Changes’.
Run a Test Transaction
  1. Select ‘Run a Test Transaction’.
  2. Enter the card information for the test transaction. This will charge $1 for the test transaction.