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Small Ticket Merchant Account

Small Ticket Programs might be the very best way for merchants to conserve money on fees when accepting credit scores or debit cards for smaller sized purchases. ETI strives to bring its clients the lowest charges in the industry. Our Small Ticket Program is an attribute that assists us to do that for those sellers that refine deals at $15 or less.

Many vendors have seen debit financial savings thanks to the Durbin Amendment, which caps the Interchange Costs that Visa and MasterCard charge for debit cards at $0.24 and 5 basis points. Smaller merchants do not see the savings when running transactions under $15, considering that the 24-cent per item fee and also the 5 basis points total up to 2.1% of the complete ticket before any integration of added fees.

The Small Ticket Program permits qualifying vendors to pay a per-product cost of only 5 cents while paying an interchange price of 1.6% for Visa. MasterCard has established its little ticket rate at 4 cents and also 1.55%. This program saves vendors cash on reduced sale quantities because the per-item charge is much less of a concern on them in regards to general reliable price.

The Interchange group for small tickets is available for sellers that are on Interchange Plus rates, and also that certify under the Visa and MasterCard organization types listed here. Sellers enlisted in flat price rates or any type of three-tiered prices will not be able to use these savings, which is another means Interchange Plus rates permits merchants to maximize their cost savings.

While some processing firms conceal added portion points in the difference that exists between a small ticket and also big-ticket handling, ETI gives the cost savings directly to you. Our Small Ticket Program uses a better Interchange classification as well as a reduced per thing cost, saving you more loan in handling charges for all purchases $15 or less.

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